Play Full Jane Eyre in HD Format
Now you can enjoy Jane Eyre in HD quality with duration 120 Min and was published in 2011-03-11 and MPAA rating is 54.- Original Title : Jane Eyre
- Movie title in your country : Jane Eyre
- Year of movie : 2011
- Genres of movie : Drama, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2011-03-11
- Companies of movie : BBC Films, Ruby Films,
- Countries of movie : United Kingdom,
- Language of movie : Français, English,
- Durationof movie : 120 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.3
- Youtube ID of movie : e8PLpXvhtlc
- Translation of movie : RU,EN,TR,ZH,IT,PT,DE,HU,ES,FR,CS,NL,DA,PL,EL,HE,
- Cast of movie :
- Mia Wasikowska ( Jane Eyre )
- Jamie Bell ( St. John )
- Michael Fassbender ( Edward Rochester )
- Judi Dench ( Mrs. Fairfax )
- Su Elliott ( Hannah )
- Holliday Grainger ( Diana Rivers )
- Tamzin Merchant ( Mary Rivers )
- Amelia Clarkson ( Young Jane )
- Craig Roberts ( John Reed )
- Sally Hawkins ( Mrs. Reed )
- Lizzie Hopley ( Miss Abbot )
- Jayne Wisener ( Bessie )
- Freya Wilson ( Eliza Reed )
- Emily Haigh ( Georgiana Reed )
- Simon McBurney ( Mr. Brocklehurst )
- Sandy McDade ( Miss Scatcherd )
- Freya Parks ( Helen Burns )
- Edwina Elek ( Miss Temple )
- Ewart James Walters ( John )
- Georgia Bourke ( Leah )
- Sally Reeve ( Martha )
- Romy Settbon Moore ( Adèle Varens )
- Eglantine Rembauville-Nicolle ( Sophie )
- Rosie Cavaliero ( Grace Poole )
- Angela Curran ( Undercook )
- Imogen Poots ( Blanche Ingram )
- Sophie Ward ( Lady Ingram )
- Joe Van Moyland ( Lord Ingram )
- Hayden Phillips ( Colonel Dent )
- Laura Phillips ( Mrs. Dent )
- Harry Lloyd ( Richard Mason )
- Ned Dennehy ( Dr. Carter )
- Joseph Kloska ( Clergyman Wood )
- Ben Roberts ( Briggs )
- Valentina Cervi ( Bertha Mason )
Movie synopsis of Jane Eyre :
Full Streaming Jane Eyre in Best Quality with movie synopsis "After a bleak childhood, Jane Eyre goes out into the world to become a governess. As she lives happily in her new position at Thornfield Hall, she meet the dark, cold, and abrupt master of the house, Mr. Rochester. Jane and her employer grow close in friendship and she soon finds herself falling in love with him. Happiness seems to have found Jane at last, but could Mr. Rochester's terrible secret be about to destroy it forever?" in top quality. Play full Jane Eyre in HD Video by push of the button above.
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Director : Cary Fukunaga, Novel : Charlotte Brontë, Screenplay : Moira Buffini,
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